[Forum SIS] Joint meeting EMR-IBS in Salonicco

Di Serio Clelia diserio.clelia a unisr.it
Gio 29 Dic 2016 14:46:03 CET

Dear SIS members,
We are glad to announce the first joint meeting of the Eastern Mediterranean Region and Italian Region of the international Biometric Society in Thessaloniki, Greece at 8-12 May 2017.
We aim to bring together researchers from around the world in this beautiful place. Thessaloniki is perhaps one of the best cities to spread the message of the Eastern Mediterranean and Italian Regions, it being an international city, crossroad of different civilizations, with a long history related to all country members of our regions. Thessaloniki is also a beautiful city combining a lot of different activities and sightseeing.

There will be:
* sessions from other regions of IBS
* pre-conference courses
* student travelling awards .
The entire meeting is devoted to the memory of Prof Marvin Zelen (Harvard University) a keen supported of EMR, who passed away in November 2014.
Details about the meeting are already available at the web-site http://stat-athens.aueb.gr/~emribs/page/emr2017.html
Please notice session on students awards for best contributions.
Please visit the site for updated information.
The deadline for submitting the abstract is 11/02/2017.
Note that the weekend before the conference (6-7 May 2017) there will be a symposium honoring Marvin Zelen at the same place.
I wish you all the best for the incoming New Year,

Clelia Di Serio

President of International Biometric Society - Italian Region

(Società Italiana di Biometria-SIB)

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