[Forum SIS] Data Science with [a] Spark: workshop, Lugano, 13-15 September 2016

antonietta mira antonietta.mira a uninsubria.it
Mar 30 Ago 2016 15:18:32 CEST

The Swiss National Super Computing Center, ETHZ CSCS, and the
InterDisciplinary Institute of Data Science, IDIDS, of Università della
Svizzera Italiana (USI) organise:

³Data Science with [a] Spark²
Lugano (Switzerland), September 13-15, 2016

a two and a half day workshop that addresses high-level parallelization for
data analytics workloads using the Apache Spark framework. Learning
objectives are:

  *   to understand the value of parallelization
  *   to understand the value of a high-level framework like Apache Spark
  *   to understand the MapReduce paradigm, which is central to Spark
  *   to get hands-on experience in applying the MapReduce paradigm for
various applications, ranging from statistical analysis to machine learning

Additionally, participants will learn how to prototype with Spark and how to
exploit large HPC machines like the Piz Daint CSCS flagship system.
All information and registration can be found at:

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