[Forum SIS] Banca d'Italia - Seminario Peter van der Heijden and Maarten Cruyff

Pier Francesco Perri pier_francesco.perri a unical.it
Mar 22 Set 2015 18:00:50 CEST

Si avvisano tutti gli interessati del seminario

“Investigating Sensitive Topics in Surveys with Randomized Response: Recent



Prof. Dr. Peter G.M. van der Heijden (Utrecht University and University of

Dr. Maarten Cruyff (Utrecht University)


Giovedì 1 Ottobre 2015, ore 11.30 

Banca d'Italia, Palazzo Koch, Via Nazionale, 91 – Roma


La partecipazione è gratuita ma è necessario comunicare preventivamente il
proprio nominativo all’indirizzo  <mailto:seminars a bancaditalia.it>
seminars a bancaditalia.it




It is well-known that questions about sensitive behaviours may not yield
truthful responses. In the talk, we will discuss recent developments in the
design of randomized response studies and the analysis of randomized
response data. For the design, a best practice is shown that has been
regularly used in the Netherlands, mainly in the context of social benefit

Many statistical tools are currently available for the analysis of
randomized response data, such as logistic regression (useful when the
sensitive question is the response variable to be related to explanatory
variables), loglinear analysis (useful to investigate relations between
various sensitive questions), item response theory models (useful for
investigating the extent of individual sensitive behaviour from a number of
sensitive questions) and count data models (counting the number of sensitive

There are two recent developments that we want to discuss. First, extensions
to the above statistical models are proposed that accommodate respondents
that do not follow the randomized response design by saying “no” to whatever
sensitive question is asked (the untruthful-responses-problem). Second,
joint analysis of pairs of RR questions prove to be very efficient. Such
pairs of questions are “did you do X ever” and “did you do X last year”, and
“did you do X last year” and “the amount of money I earned with X was …”
(multiple answers). 




Pier Francesco Perri

Associate Professor of Statistics

Department of Economics, Statistics and Finance

University of Calabria (Italy)

Tel. +39 0984 492133

 <http://www.ecostat.unical.it/Perri/> http://www.ecostat.unical.it/Perri/



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