[Forum SIS] Statistica & Applicazioni - new issue avialbale on line

Marica Manisera marica.manisera a unibs.it
Mer 28 Ott 2015 17:15:32 CET

Dear Authors and Readers,

the new issue of Statistica & Applicazioni is now freely available on line athttp://www.vitaepensiero.it/rivista/statistica-applicazioni-5.html  (please, read the Table of Contents below).

This issue includes a Statistical Software section and the Teacher’s Corner section.

Thank you for your interest in Statistica & Applicazioni.
The Editor
Eugenio Brentari

*Statistica & Applicazioni****Vol. XII, n. 2, 2014*
*C o n t e n t s*

E. BRENTARI Editorial
I. DRUDI, G. TASSINARI - The turn of the screw. Changes in income distribution in Italy (2002-2010)
R. CASTELLANO, G. PUNZO - Structure of schooling systems and earnings differentials: insight into Western Europe
A. FRENDA, S. SCIPPACERCOLA - Monthly indicators and short-term forecasting

M. IANNARIO, D. PICCOLO - Inference for CUB models: a program in R
M. MANISERA, P. ZUCCOLOTTO - Nonlinear CUB models: the R code

P. WIJAYATUNGA - Viewing Simpson’s Paradox

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