[Forum SIS] seminario

Luca Greco luca.greco a unisannio.it
Mar 6 Ott 2015 13:39:21 CEST

Seminario di George Luta, Georgetown University, Department of  
Biostatistics and Bioinformatics
13 ottobre, 2015 ore 16, presso la sala ex-consiglio del dipartimento  
DEMM dell'Università degli Studi del Sannio, P.zza Arechi II, primo  

Covariate balance using empirical likelihood-based methods.

The empirical likelihood method is a nonparametric approach that allows
the ef?cient incorporation of side information. We present two applications
of this method for the analysis of data from randomized studies, where we
incorporate the auxiliary information that the treatment groups are
balanced in expectation with respect to the covariates due to the
randomization. We consider the estimation of the difference between the
means of the outcome for the treatment groups and of the Mann-Whitney
measure of association. We report results from simulation studies and
illustrate the new methods using real data. We end by presenting a
covariate balance method for observational studies as an alternative
approach to the propensity score-based methods.

Luca Greco
Ricercatore SECS/S-01 - Statistica
Università degli Studi del Sannio
tel: 0824 305245
url: https://sites.google.com/site/lucagrecohomepage/

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