[Forum SIS] STATISTICA - New issue

Gabriele Soffritti gabriele.soffritti a unibo.it
Mer 18 Nov 2015 15:26:58 CET

Dear SIS Members,

the latest issue of the journal STATISTICA has just been published.

Here is the table of contents:
- A matrix-variate regression model with canonical states: an application to elderly Danish twins
L. Anderlucci, A. Montanari, C. Viroli
Pages 367-381

- Some results on a generalized residual entropy based on order statistics
S. Kayal
Pages 383-402

- Modelling prevention strategies in public health
G. Schinaia, V. Parisi
Pages 403-416

- One parameter family of estimators of population mean in two-occasion successive sampling
G. N. Singh, A. K. Singh
Pages 417-430

- Characterization of bivariate distributions using concomitants of generalized (k) record values
P. Y. Thomas, P. Anne, T. G. Veena
Pages 431-446

- A note on the bootstrap method for testing the existence of finite moments
I. Fedotenkov
Pages 447-453

- Sampling properties of the directional mobility index and the income of Italian families
C. Ferretti
Pages 455-466 

Full-text papers are available at http://rivista-statistica.unibo.it/

Best regards,
Gabriele Soffritti

Department of Statistical Sciences
University of Bologna
Via Belle Arti 41
40126 Bologna - Italy

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