[Forum SIS] Eurostat - Call for participation in BDCOMP - the Big Data for Official Statistics Competition

Paolo Righi parighi a istat.it
Mer 11 Nov 2015 10:45:36 CET

Alla cortese attenzione dei possibili interessati.

Call for participation in Big Data COMPetition


Di seguito sintesi e principali punti della competizione 

The Big Data for Official Statistics Competition (BDCOMP) has just been
launched, and you are most welcome to participate. All details are provided
in the call for participation:

http://www.cros-portal.eu/content/call-participation [1]

Participation is open to everybody (with a few very specific exceptions
detailed in the call).

In this first instalment of BDCOMP, the competition is exclusively about
nowcasting economic indicators at national or European level. There are 7
tracks in the competition. They correspond to 4 main indicators:
Unemployment, HICP, Tourism and Retail Trade and some of their variants.
Usage of Big Data is encouraged but not mandatory. For a detailed description
of the competition tasks, please refer to the call.


The authors of the best-performing submissions for each track will be invited
to present their work at the NTTS 2017 (the exact award criteria can be found
in the call).

The deadline for registration is 10 January 2016. The duration of the
competition is roughly a year (including about a month for evaluation). For a
detailed schedule of submissions, please refer to the call.

The competition is organised by Eurostat and has a Scientific Committee 

http://www.cros-portal.eu/content/scientific-committee-1 [2]

composed of colleagues from various member and observer organisations of the
European Statistical System (ESS).


On the behalf of the BDCOMP Scientific Committee,

//The BDCOMP organising team/

/ESTAT-BDCOMP a ec.europa.eu [3]/

[1] http://www.cros-portal.eu/content/call-participation
[2] http://www.cros-portal.eu/content/scientific-committee-1
[3] mailto:ESTAT-BDCOMP a ec.europa.eu

Paolo Righi
Senior Methodologist  

Head of the Unit: Methods and Methodological Framework for using Big Data
for Statistical purposes.
Department for Statistical Production and Technical-Scientific Coordination,
Division for Information Technology and Methodology.

Italian National Institute of Statistics (Istat)

Via  C. Balbo, 16 00184 Rome - Italy 

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