[Forum SIS] BIOMETRICAL JOURNAL: Special Issue on ''Latent Variable Models for longitudinal data''

Paolo Giordani paolo.giordani a uniroma1.it
Mar 10 Nov 2015 14:53:43 CET

BIOMETRICAL JOURNAL – Call for Papers for the Special Issue
''Latent Variable Models for longitudinal data''
Guest Editors: Francesco Bartolucci and Paolo Giordani

With this call we aim at stimulating authors to submit novel
contributions in the field of latent variable models to handle
longitudinal data in biomedical and life sciences.

In the last decades, latent variable models have found an
important field of application in the context of life sciences.
Their use is justified by the complexity of the biological
systems, with implications in terms of sophisticated
dependencies between observable variables. In particular,
through versions of these models which are specially tailored to
the analysis of longitudinal data, it is possible to account for
individual-specific unobserved heterogeneity. Moreover, in
longitudinal studies it may occur that only few units present
complete data records, as individuals participating into the
study typically leave it before its designed end. If this
depends on events associated with the outcome of interest, an
informative drop-out arises that must be properly modelled.
Latent variable models for longitudinal data can also account
for this aspect in a sensible way.

The focus of the special issue is on:
- novel statistical approaches based on latent variables, with
either continuous or discrete distribution, to analyse longitudinal
- up-to-date case longitudinal studies in the biometrical domain
carried out by latent variable models.

The papers submitted to the special issue must be motivated by a
relevant biometrical application or contain at least one biometrical
example as an illustration of new methods. Reproducible research is
supported: authors are strongly encouraged to submit computer code
and data sets used to illustrate the proposed models. Critical
review papers without any novel aspect do not fit the aims of the
special issue. Purely theoretical papers as well as heavily
computational papers without proper motivations and applications
are discouraged. Authors, who are not sure whether their research
falls or not under this call, may show an initial draft of the paper
and ask a preliminary opinion to the Special Issue Editors, who are
Francesco Bartolucci (University of Perugia, IT, email: bart a stat.unipg.it)
and Paolo Giordani (University of Rome – La Sapienza, IT,
email: paolo.giordani a uniroma1.it).

All submitted papers under this call will undergo the standard
review process of the journal. The deadline for paper submission
is February 28, 2016.

Paper submitted to the special issue are handled through the website
of the Biometrical Journal (http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/biomj)
as any other paper submitted to the journal, except that the editing
and the review process is managed by the Special Issue Editors.

To submit to the special issue, authors must proceed through
Manuscript Central (website given above), indicate at Step 1 of the
submission process that the paper is for a special issue, and at
Step 4 enter ''LVM LONG'' in the Special Issue Information field.

Submitted manuscripts should comply with the instructions for
authors of Biometrical Journal that are reported in the homepage
of the journal at the link ''Author Guidelines''.

General time-frame scheduling
Submission of manuscripts: February 28, 2016
Notification to authors after first reviewing: May 31, 2016 (tentative)
Submission of final papers for the Special Issue: December 2016 (tentative)
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