[Forum SIS] DEC Statistics Seminar (Bocconi)- November 12th

Isadora Antoniano isadora.antoniano a unibocconi.it
Ven 6 Nov 2015 00:41:22 CET

Dear all,
We are glad to announce the next:

*DEC - Statistics Seminar*
*Thursday, **November 12th*
*Università Bocconi,*
*Room 3-E4-SR03*
*Via Rontgen 1 - 3rd floor*
*Time: 12:30pm*

Piercesare SECCHI
(Politecnico di Milano)

*"Object oriented spatial statistics: four case studies"*

I will present four statistical analyses of complex and high dimensional
data. The first deals with solar irradiance data and aims at investigating
the possible exploitation of solar energy in different areas of the planet.
The second considers Erlang data describing the use over time of the
mobile-phone network in the urban area of Milan (Italy) and strives for the
identification of sub-regions of the metropolitan area sharing similar
patterns in terms of population density dynamics. The goal of the third
case study is to predict the spatial field of particle size curves from a
sample observed at a finite set of locations within an alluvial aquiver.
Finally, the fourth case considers manifold valued data, in the form of
positive definite matrices, and develops a kriging approach for spatial
prediction. The four case studies share many issues: the functional
structure of the spaces data belong to dictates the proper statistical
environment for conducting the analysis, the high dimensionality of data
requires suitable reductions of their dimension, and last but not least
spatial dependence should be taken into account. I won’t try to expound a
unified theory, but I will illustrate the common methods and algorithms
developed at MOX, the laboratory for modeling and scientific computing of
the Politecnico di Milano, for providing satisfying answers to the problems
raised by the four case studies.

The DEC seminar calendar is available at

Kind regards,

Isadora Antoniano and Raffaella Piccarreta.

Isadora Antoniano-Villalobos
DEC - Department of Decision Sciences,
Universita' L.Bocconi, via Guglielmo Röntgen 1 (3rd floor, room D1-16).
20136, Milano.
 Web page :English version

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