[Forum SIS] seminario all'IMATI-Milano

Antonella Bodini anto a mi.imati.cnr.it
Gio 26 Mar 2015 17:02:32 CET

Mercoledi' 1 aprile alle ore 14 presso la sede di Milano dell'IMATI, via 
Bassini 15, Sala Pentagonale al secondo piano, Valérie Bélanger 
dell'Universita' HEC Montréal terra' un seminario dal titolo

Analysis and development of real-time ambulance fleet management strategies

di cui segue il sunto.

Tutti gli interessati sono invitati a partecipare.



Emergency medical services (EMS) evolve in highly random and dynamic 
contexts. Indeed, the arrival of emergency calls is uncertain and varies 
throughout the day, forcing decision makers to adapt their decisions in 
response to observed changes. Two types of decisions are generally 
considered in real-time: dispatching and relocation. Dispatching 
decisions consider the selection of which ambulance to send to an 
emergency call. Relocation decisions consist in relocating available 
ambulances throughout the day in response to changes in the system 
state. Given the situation faced by EMS, the analysis and development of 
real-time management strategies to ensure a good service to the 
population is clearly of interest.

In a first study, several ambulance relocation strategies are compared, 
and extensive simulation experiments are reported allowing to analyze 
the performance of these strategies when they face different level of 
system workload. Results of this study confirm the relevance of 
simulation methods to support decision-making in EMS stochastic 
environment. More importantly, they provide researchers and decisions 
makers with valuable insights on the use of relocation strategies, 
including the tradeoff between service level and personnel well-being. 
In a subsequent study, an innovative real-time ambulance fleet 
management strategy is proposed. New mathematical models and solution 
approaches are then developed to deal with both relocation and 
pre-assignment decisions. Preliminary results show that considering 
explicitly pre-assignment decisions, which are directly related to 
dispatching decisions, impact location decisions and can help better 
predict system performances.

Cordiali saluti.

Dott. Antonella Bodini 					
CNR-Istituto di Matematica Applicata e Tecnologie Informatiche					
Via Bassini 15, 20133 Milano (Italy)	  		  					

tel   +39 02 23699524
fax   +39 02 23699538

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