[Forum SIS] DEI - Università di Catania: AVVISO DI SEMINARIO

antonio punzo antonio.punzo a unict.it
Mer 11 Mar 2015 13:04:40 CET


Il Dipartimento di Economia e Impresa dell’Università di Catania ha
organizzato il seminario:


*Prof. Antonello MARUOTTI*

*Dipartimento di Istituzioni Pubbliche, Economia e Società *

*Università di Roma Tre*

Giovedì 19 Marzo dalle ore 15:30

In Aula 8

Università di Catania

Palazzo delle Scienze, Corso Italia, 55, Catania


We introduce a multivariate multidimensional mixed-effects regression model
in a finite mixture framework. We relax the usual unidimensionality
assumption on the random effects multivariate distribution. Thus, we
introduce a multidimensional multivariate discrete distribution for the
random terms, with a possibly different number of support points in each
univariate profile, allowing for a full association structure. Our approach
is motivated by the analysis of economic growth. Accordingly, we define an
extended version of the augmented Solow model. Indeed, we allow all model
parameters, and not only the mean, to vary according to a regression model.
Moreover, we argue that countries do not follow the same growth process,
and that a mixture-based approach can provide a natural framework for the
detection of similar growth patterns. Our empirical findings provide
evidence of heterogenous behaviors and suggest the need of a flexible
approach to properly reflect the heterogeneity in the data. We further test
the behavior of the proposed approach via a simulation study, considering
several factors such as the number of observed units, times and levels of
heterogeneity in the data.

Paper scaricabile da: http://xxx.tau.ac.il/abs/1410.4732

I colleghi interessati sono cordialmente invitati a partecipare.

Antonio Punzo

Antonio Punzo, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor of Statistics
University of Catania
Department of Economics and Business
Corso Italia 55, 95129 Catania - Italy

Office: +39 095 7537640
e-mail: antonio.punzo a unict.it
URL: http://www.economia.unict.it/punzo
Skype: antoniopunzo81
Web: google scholar
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