[Forum SIS] Conference “Dealing with Complexity in Society: From Plurality of Data to Synthetic Indicators” – provisional program available

Giovanna Boccuzzo boccuzzo a stat.unipd.it
Mer 15 Lug 2015 12:53:21 CEST

The provisional program of the Conference “Dealing with Complexity in 
Society: From Plurality of Data to Synthetic Indicators” (Padua, 
September 17^th and 18^th )is now available:

Registration is open and you can benefit of the reduced fee until July 
31th. Registration closesAugust, 31th.

Giovanna Boccuzzo and Filomena Maggino

Conference Chairs

Giovanna Boccuzzo
Department of Statistical Sciences
University of Padova - ITALY
Ph. +39 049 827 4194

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