[Forum SIS] posizione post-doc

Sergio Camiz sergio.camiz a uniroma1.it
Lun 12 Gen 2015 16:09:40 CET

*Post-Doctoral Scholarship in Quantitative Ecology*

Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre, Brazil

We announce a Post-Doctoral position to develop research on the analysis 
of multidimensional causes and effects across ecosystem trophic levelsat 
the Department of Ecology, Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul 
(UFRGS). The project is planned for two years and will involve the 
participation of the Italian mathematician-statistician, Prof. Sergio 
Camiz (Sapienza Università di Roma), together with a PhD student, in the 
activities of the Quantitative Ecology Lab led by Prof. Valério Pillar 
at UFRGS. The position is forecast starting March 2015.

This project aims at adapting/developing and evaluating methods for (1) 
the analysis and testing of hypotheses concerning multidimensional 
causes and effects across ecosystem compartments and (2) the analysis of 
the temporal dynamics of communities and ecosystems. For this, the 
methods should compare data tables in order to derive information 
concerning the relations among the items belonging to different 
ecosystem compartments, which are then used for the testing of causal 
connections and for examining temporal dynamics.

These two proposed research subjects are closely linked to the needs of 
on-going projects in the Quantitative Ecology Lab within the framework 
of the national program of biodiversity research (PPBio) and the 
long-term ecological research program (LTER-PELD), respectively funded 
by CNPq and co-funded by CNPq/FAPERGS, which study the southern 
Brazilian grassland biome (Campos Sulinos / Pampa). These projects 
involve the exploration and testing of hypotheses on causes and effects 
across ecosystem compartments, linking biodiversity to environmental 
drivers (climate, soil, land use, management), among different trophic 
levels (plant, arthropod, bird, amphibian and fish communities), and to 
ecosystem processes and services (biomass and forage productivity, 
biomass decomposition, carbon fluxes, temporal stability). Also, 
questions about the analysis of temporal dynamics of communities and 
ecosystems are relevant, since both projects involve long-term monitoring.

The post-doctoral researcher's profile is of a PhD in mathematics, 
statistics or quantitative ecology, with a good background in 
multidimensional analysis, and strongly committed to applications, in 
particular community ecology. Previous publication on the said subjects 
is desired. Proficiency inEnglish and relevant programming languages 
(Fortran, C++, and/or R) for data analysis development are essential 
requirements. Experience with related methods for the multidimensional 
analysis, in particular of multiple tables (e.g., path analysis, 
structural equation modelling, Procrustes analysis, partial 
least-squares) are desired, as well as the ability to both handle and 
develop the theoretical aspects of the matter.

The scholarship monthly amount of R$ 4,100 (free of income tax) will be 
paid for two-years by the National Research Council (CNPq, Brazil), plus 
a residential moving payment of R$ 3,900. The project is funded by the 
Brazilian Federal Government under the Science without Borders Program.

Candidates should contact either Prof. Valério Pillar (_vpillar a ufrgs.br 
<mailto:vpillar a ufrgs.br>_) or Prof. Sergio Camiz 
(_sergio.camiz a uniroma1.it <mailto:sergio.camiz a uniroma1.it>_).

Prof. Sergio Camiz, PhD
Dipartimento di Matematica Guido Castelnuovo
Sapienza Università di Roma
Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, I - 00185 Roma Italia
Tel. +3906.4991.3266 Fax. +3906.4470.1007
Email: sergio a camiz.net	
Web pages: www.camiz.net  www.camiz.com

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