[Forum SIS] GRASPA 2015 - second call for papers

Alessio Pollice alessio.pollice a uniba.it
Mer 11 Feb 2015 16:40:02 CET

*GRASPA 2015 – Second call for papers*

*Deadline: March 30, 2015*

GRASPA-SIS <http://www.graspa.org/> is glad to announce that *GRASPA 2015*
<http://meetings.sis-statistica.org/index.php/graspa2015/graspa2015> (
www.graspa.org/graspa2015) will be hosted by Università degli Studi di Bari
Aldo Moro <http://www.uniba.it/english-version> on 15-16 June 2015.

*GRASPA 2015* is the biennial conference of the *Italian Research
Group for* *Environmental
Statistics* <http://www.graspa.org/> (GRASPA-SIS) and the major event on
Environmental Statistics in Italy. *GRASPA 2015* is also the 2015 European
regional conference of The International Environmetrics Society
<http://www.environmetrics.org/>, it is sponsored by the Young section of
the Italian Statistical Society
<https://sites.google.com/site/youngsocietaitalianastatistica/home> and is
a connected event of the Spatial Statistics 2015 Conference
<http://www.spatialstatisticsconference.com/>. *GRASPA 2015* endorses
co-operation among statisticians, academics from environmental sciences as
well as practitioners from government and independent environmental
agencies creating a space for the exchange of experiences and ideas on
various aspects relevant to the protection of the natural environment. *GRASPA
2015* is an opportunity to share research interests related to the
development and the use of statistical methods in environmental sciences,
fostering methodological developments and applications in various
environmental fields.

The Scientific Program will include keynote and invited talks, oral and
poster presentations. Authors must submit an abstract of 250 words or less
which, if accepted, will be published in the *book of abstracts*. Authors
can also submit a short paper of up to 4 pages, which will be reviewed and
published online in the *conference proceedings* (GRASPA Working Papers
Series, with ISSN), upon acceptance. Abstracts and short papers shall be
written in English and be submitted online through the Open Conference
GRASPA 2015 web site. Short papers shall be written using the templates
provided in the conference web site. Selected conference speakers will be
invited to submit an extended version of the short paper to one of the
following two *special issues* of ISI/Scopus indexed scientific journals
with impact factor:

   - Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation
   <http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/gscs20/current#.VNh-Rp2G__E> (JSCS)
   Special issue: GRASPA 2015
   Guest editors: A. Pollice, G. Jona Lasinio

   - Stochastic Evironmental Resarch and Risk Assessment
   Special issue: Spatial Functional Statistics
   Guest editors: E. Romano, J. Mateu, M.D. Ruiz-Medina

Confirmed *keynote speakers* are

   - Adrian Bowman <http://www.stats.gla.ac.uk/~adrian/> (University of
   - Tata Subba Rao <http://www.maths.manchester.ac.uk/~tsr/> (University
   of Manchester)

A *Short Course* on *Flexible Regression for Environmental Data* will be
held the day after the conference (June 17, 2015) by

   - Adrian Bowman <http://www.stats.gla.ac.uk/~adrian/> (University of

*Submission deadline* is March 30, 2015

*Early registration* closes on April 30, 2015


Web: www.graspa.org/graspa2015

Email: graspa2015.dsemm a uniba.it

Alessio Pollice
Professore Associato di Statistica
Dipartimento di Scienze Economiche e Metodi Matematici
Università degli Studi di Bari Aldo Moro
Largo Abbazia Santa scolastica, 53
70124 Bari, ITALY
Tel. +39 080 5049243
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