[Forum SIS] PhD Studentship in Statistical Science UCL

Claudia Tarantola claudia.tarantola a unipv.it
Mer 4 Feb 2015 16:08:38 CET

Il professor Petros Dellaportas mi ha invitato a diffondere il seguente
annuncio per un posto di dottorato di ricerca presso Il Dipartimento di
Scienze Statistiche della  University College London. 


Applications are invited for a PhD funding opportunity to conduct research
in a branch of probability or statistics, commencing in September 2015. The
successful applicant will work under the supervision of
<https://www.ucl.ac.uk/statistics/people/petros-dellaportas> Professor
Petros Dellaportas on a topic aligned with his current research interests:
MCMC theory, Bayesian model determination, inference and simulation methods
for stochastic differential equations, time series forecasting, financial
statistics, sparsity.

The studentship is tenable for 36 months and covers tuition fees at the
UK/EU rate plus a stipend of £15,863 per annum (based on the standard UK
Research Council rate with London weighting). International students may
also apply, but will need to source additional funding to meet the
difference in cost between UK/EU and overseas tuition fees.



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Claudia Tarantola

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