[Forum SIS] Open rank position at the InterDisciplinary Institute of Data Science, USI, Switzerland

antonietta mira antonietta.mira a uninsubria.it
Sab 15 Ago 2015 09:33:06 CEST

The InterDisciplinary Institute of Data Science at the Università della
Svizzera italiana in Lugano, Switzerland http://www.idids.usi.ch
<http://www.idids.usi.ch/>   invites applications and nominations for an
open rank assistant/associate faculty position in the field of Data Science.

We are seeking social scientists who are addressing the technical challenges
in the interdisciplinary fields of data science and computational social
science. Candidates with a PhD in statistics, physics, computer science,
quantitative social sciences, quantitative biology, computational
linguistics and related disciplines are particularly encouraged to apply. As
our activities are interdisciplinary collaborative projects, we are looking
for candidates with research interests outside of their core discipline to
engage with other scholars whose work intersects with data science.

The successful candidate will have the unique opportunity to shape the
research agenda of the Interdisciplinary Institute of Data Science together
with faculty coming from all areas of science represented at USI:
Informatics, Economics, Communications, and Architecture.

The salary is internationally competitive and commensurate to experience and
career stage.

To apply, go to http://www.usi.ch/call-idids-associate-prof-2015-262068.pdf.
Applications received before 1 September 2015 will receive full
consideration. The successful candidates will take up appointment as early
as January 2016.

If you have questions or need additional information please write to
IDIDS at usi.ch or telephone +41 58 666 4902

Antonietta Mira

InterDisciplinary Institute of Data Science - IDIDS

Faculty of Economics

University of Lugano, Switzerland

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