[Forum SIS] Seminario Eugenio PIASINI, UCL London (RGS & Matematica Applicata)

Giacomo Aletti giacomo.aletti a unimi.it
Mar 23 Set 2014 11:32:29 CEST

Con preghiera di diffusione tra tutti i possibili interessati,
scusandomi per invii multipli.
Giacomo Aletti


Nell'ambito dei Reading Group Seminars e del Seminario di Matematica
Applicata, il giorno mercoledì 1 Ottobre 2014, alle ore 14.30,
nell'Aula C del Dipartimento di Matematica dell'Universita' degli
Studi di Milano, Via C. Saldini, 50, Milano,

Eugenio PIASINI, University College London (UCL), London

terra' una conferenza dal titolo

Why do cerebellar granule cells have four dendrites?


The number of dendrites of the the most numerous neuron in the brain
-the granule cell of the cerebellum- is remarkably conserved
throughout evolution and across animal species. In this talk, I will
illustrate how this anatomical feature is constrained by the function
that the cerebellum is required to perform.

Keywords: cerebellum, sparse coding, network structure, information
theory, computational modelling, granule cell

Reading Group Seminars:

The Reading Group Seminars (RGS) are organized within an open
community of researchers interested in applying mathematical
approaches to the study of biological systems. Updates on our
initiatives can be found at:
https://sites.google.com/site/readinggroupseminar as well as by
subscribing to our RGS group


Giacomo Aletti, Associate Professor

Advanced  Applied Mathematical  and Statistical Sciences

Department of Mathematics (www.matematica.unimi.it)
Via Saldini, 50
20133 Milano, Italy
Tel: +39-02-503.16158
Cell: +39-340-9739142

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