[Forum SIS] Short course and International Workshop, 12-13 November 2014, University of Salerno

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Ven 7 Nov 2014 10:28:06 CET


Annuncio Short course and International Workshop 

Dipartimento di Scienze Economiche e Statistiche - DiSES

Università degli Studi di Salerno


*	Short Course "Statistical models for networks"

November 12, 2014 - 2.30pm-6.30pm

Instructor:  <http://www.stat.indiana.edu/people/profile.phtml?id=stanwass>
Stanley Wasserman, Indiana University (Bloomington, USA) and NRU Higher
School of Economics (Moscow, Russia), email:  <mailto:stanwass a indiana.ed>
stanwass a indiana.ed

Short Course Description

Statistical models for networks have progressed substantially over the past
ten years. This 3-4 hour workshop focuses on (at a minimum) the p*
exponential family of distributions for random graphs and stochastic
actor-oriented models. These concepts and methods will be illustrated by a
variety of examples drawn from social and medical sciences. Software to fit
these models will be discussed.

website:  <http://www.dises.unisa.it/seminari/mtn14/short_course>


*	International Workshop "Multivariate Techniques for the Analysis of
Network Data" 

November 13, 2014

 The workshop aims at presenting the most relevant methodological results
and applications in the use of models and methods for the analysis of
network data.

The workshop will include a keynote speech and three contributed sessions. 

Program:  <http://www.dises.unisa.it/seminari/mtn14/program>

website:  <http://www.dises.unisa.it/seminari/mtn14/workshop>



Room "G. De Rosa" - building "Scienze Politiche" (
<http://www.unisa.it/uploads/12967/venue_campus.pdf> Campus map)

University of Salerno - Campus of Fisciano

Via Giovanni Paolo II, 132

84084 Fisciano (SA), Italy


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