[Forum SIS] LAST CALL - 2014 Summer School on Modern Methods in Biostatistics and Epidemiology

Marco Bonetti marco.bonetti a unibocconi.it
Mer 21 Maggio 2014 09:49:22 CEST

Dear Colleagues,

time to sign up for the 2014 edition of the Summer School on
Modern Methods in Biostatistics and Epidemiology is running out.

The School will be held from June 8 to June 21, 2014 at Castello
Brandolini Colomban, Cison di Valmarino - Treviso - Italy.

The School provides introductory and advanced courses in medical
statistics and epidemiology, and their applications to etiology
research and public health.

Courses last one week (except for Stata courses, held on Sunday,
which last one day). Students can attend for a day, one week,
or two weeks. Both introductory and more advanced one-day courses
on Stata will be offered. Courses offered during the regular
course week will be using Stata.

Teachers come from Harvard University and several European institutions,
among whose Karolinska Institutet, Bocconi University and University of
Milano-Bicocca. We acknowledge the kind support by Bocconi University
and Stata.

Please visit the course homepage for more information about the course:


Applicants should submit their application as soon as possible, and
no later than May 31, 2014.


Marco Bonetti

Marco Bonetti 
Department of Policy Analysis and Public Management 
Bocconi University 
Via Guglielmo Roentgen 1 
20136 Milan, Italy 
Tel +39 02 58365670 
Fax +39 02 58365634 

Dai il tuo 5x1000 alla Bocconi: aiuta a studiare chi merita, anche quando non puo'.
CF 80024610158.

Please note that the above message is addressed only to individuals filing Italian income tax returns.

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