[Forum SIS] PhD position available in "Statistical Methods for Geosciences" - Politecnico di Milano Dept. of Mathematics

Simone Vantini simone.vantini a polimi.it
Mar 20 Maggio 2014 17:38:42 CEST

*Position:*PhD position in "Statistical Methods for Geosciences" in 
Mathematical Models and Methods in Engineering.

*Institution:*Department of Mathematics, Politecnico di Milano, Milan, 

*Duration:*3 years, beginning November 1, 2014.

*Monthly net income:*1.200 euro.

*Deadline for applications: *14:00 (GMT+1:00), May 23, 2014.

*Details for applications: *please click here 

*Motivations and objectives of the research in this field:*Problems 
characterized by high-dimensional and complex data have become more and 
more common in engineering. Due to their complexity, in many situations 
these data contain redundant information since their underlying 
structure may involve only a reduced number of relevant features. This 
research aims at developing new methods for the detection of suitable 
subspaces where data (possibly spatially-dependent) can be represented, 
interpreted and analyzed. The interest extends also to the 
identification of suitable basis, which should capture the relevant 
geophysical features of the phenomenon under study and allow for 
computationally efficient statistical analysis.

*Methods and techniques that will be developed and used to carry out the 
research:* The PhD program aims at training young researchers by 
providing them with a strong mathematical background and with ability to 
apply their knowledge to the solution of real-world problems in the 
areas of Statistics and Scientific Computing.

*Educational objectives:*The PhD students carry their research both in 
the development of new mathematical methods and in the implementation 
and improvement of advanced techniques in connection with specific 
contexts and applications. Further information can be obtained by 
consulting the dedicated website http://www.mate.polimi.it/dottorato

*Job opportunities:* Job opportunities are in companies and research 
agencies which are leaders in their respective fields.


Simone Vantini
MOX Laboratory for Modeling and Scientific Computing
Dept. of Mathematics "F. Brioschi" - Politecnico di Milano
Address: Piazza Leonardo da Vinci 32, 20133, Milan, Italy
Phone: (+39) 02 2399 4554
Email: simone.vantini a polimi.it
Website: http://mox.polimi.it/~vantini/

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