[Forum SIS] METMAVII - GRASPA14 conference, Torino (IT) 10-12 September, 2014 – Special Issues

Rosalba Ignaccolo rosaria.ignaccolo a unito.it
Gio 15 Maggio 2014 08:43:00 CEST

Apologies for cross-posting


Dear all,

This is to announce that *two **special issue**calls for papers 
*on well-defined topics rising from the *METMA VII – GRASPA14 
*conference will be issued by the well known journals "*Spatial 
Statistics”* (www.journals.elsevier.com/spatial-statistics 
<http://www.journals.elsevier.com/spatial-statistics>) and *“Statistical 
Methods & Applications” *(www.springer.com/statistics/journal/10260 
<http://www.springer.com/statistics/journal/10260>). Further details on 
the topics will be available soon.

We remind you that the submission deadline for the extended abstract (up 
to 4 pages) is May 25, and the deadline for the early bird registration 
is May 30, 2014. Information regarding accommodation is now available on 
the link:

www.graspa.org/metmagraspainfo <http://www.graspa.org/metmagraspainfo>

For further information and updates visit the conference website:

www.graspa.org/metmagraspa <http://www.graspa.org/metmagraspa>

We look forward to seeing you!

On behalf of the Organizing Committee,

Rosalba Ignaccolo

Rosalba Ignaccolo
Dipartimento di Economia e Statistica "Cognetti de Martiis"
Università degli Studi di Torino
Email: rosaria.ignaccolo a unito.it <mailto:cinzia.carota a unito.it>

Web page on UniTO: http://www.unito.it/persone/Rosalba.Ignaccolo


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