[Forum SIS] PhD positions @ Ca' Foscari

Claudio Agostinelli claudio a unive.it
Mer 14 Maggio 2014 08:14:10 CEST

Dear Colleagues,
I would like to bring your attention to the call for PhD positions in my
university. Below you can find some summary information.
Kind regards,
Claudio Agostinelli

*2014/15 PhD program at Ca' Foscari University*
Applications are due by 29th May 2014
To apply: www.unive.it/nqcontent.cfm?a_id=173236

Applications are now being accepted for the 2014/15 PhD program at Ca'
Foscari University (www.unive.it). Highly motivated candidates are
invited to apply for fully-funded positions within a doctoral program,
among others, in the following fields:
- Economics
- Management
- Computer Science
- Science and Management of Climate Change
- Environmental Sciences
All lectures are given in English. Some summary information about grants
and admission procedures for foreign students can be found at

Claudio Agostinelli
Dipartimento di Scienze Ambientali, Informatica e Statistica
Universita' Ca' Foscari di Venezia
San Giobbe, Cannaregio 873
30121 Venezia
Tel: 041 2347446, Fax: 041 2347444
email: claudio at unive.it,
www: www.dst.unive.it/~claudio
skype: claudio.agostinelli
vcf: http://www.dst.unive.it/~claudio/uploads/Main/ClaudioAgostinelli.vcf
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Send OpenDocument instead! http://fsf.org/campaigns/opendocument/

"Nota automatica aggiunta dal sistema di posta.
Destina Il 5 per mille per sostenere i giovani ricercatori di Ca' Foscari.
E' un buon investimento per il futuro di tutti.
E' un atto volontario, non costa nulla e non sostituisce l'8 per mille.
Scegli Ca' Foscari: codice fiscale 80007720271
Please note that the above message is addressed only to individuals filing 
Italian income tax returns."

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