[Forum SIS] Reminder: SEMINARS University of Verona, Italy - May 16 2014 - Environmental Epidemiology

Alessandro Marcon alessandro.marcon a gmail.com
Lun 12 Maggio 2014 12:46:47 CEST


University of Verona, Italy - Unit of Epidemiology & Medical Statistics
Strada le Grazie 8,  37134,  Verona
Room: Aula E Istituti Biologici  - Friday 16May 2014 -  10.45-12.15

Seminar 1: Exposure assessment methods in environmental epidemiology
Speaker: Kees de Hoogh, Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute,
Basel, Switzerland
Time: 10.45-11.30 am
Abstract: In epidemiological research, the cost and feasibility of the
direct measurement of personal pollutant exposure is daunting. For this
reason, model-based estimates of pollutant exposure are widely used.
These models commonly use geographic information system (GIS) data to
provide small-scale resolution estimates of exposure.
This seminar will provide a snapshot of the most up-to-date exposure
assessment methods and recent applications in environmental epidemiology.

Seminar 2: Approaching causality in environmental epidemiology: the
Viadana experience
Speaker: Alessandro Marcon, Unit of Epidemiology and Medical Statistics,
University of Verona, Italy
Time: 11.30-12.15 am
Abstract: Investigating the health effects of industrial air pollutants
is a complex issue, because of the non-experimental framework and the
need for objective measurements of exposures and outcomes.
This seminar will summarise the experience in Viadana - Mantova (the
largest chipboard and wood industrial district in Italy), where health
effects of air pollution on children have been investigated. The focus
will be on how researchers attempted to approach a conclusion of
causality in the exposure-health outcome relationship by testing
subsequent research hypotheses at increasing complexity.

Alessandro Marcon, PhD
Unit of Epidemiology & Medical Statistics
Department of Public Health and Community Medicine
University of Verona
Strada Le Grazie 8, 37134 Verona, Italy
tel. +39 045 8027668 fax +39 045 8027154
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