[Forum SIS] CFP: METMAVII - GRASPA14 conference, Torino (IT) 10-12 September, 2014

Rosalba Ignaccolo rosaria.ignaccolo a unito.it
Mer 19 Mar 2014 17:21:11 CET

Apologies for cross-posting


Dear Colleagues,

You are kindly invited to participate to the joint meeting *METMA VII -- 
GRASPA14* that will be hosted by the Department of Economics and 
Statistics "Cognetti de Martiis", University of Torino (IT) from 10th to 
12th September 2014. The meeting will bring together two communities 
with common research interests, such as the development and use of 
statistical methods in the environmental sciences.

Call for papers is now open. The abstract will be 4 pages max. The latex 
template with the required format can be downloaded from the conference 

www.graspa.org/metmagraspa <http://www.graspa.org/metmagraspa>

We remind you that the deadlines are as follows:

-Abstract submission: April 30, 2014

-Registration (reduced fee): May 30, 2014

-Contribution acceptance: June 30, 2014



Before May 30, 2014

(early registration)


After May 30, 2014

Regular Fee


280 €



TIES, SIS, SEIO members










(lunches, coffee breaks, social dinner and conference material included)

The scientific programme is characterised by having special invited 
sessions covering topics on the latest in theory, methods and 
applications, as well as contributed papers and posters.

Confirmed keynote speakers are Abdel El-Shaarawi (The American 
University in Cairo, Egypt), Rick Schoenberg (UCLA, USA) and Alfred 
Stein (University of Twente, Netherlands). The list of invited speakers 
includes Rosa Crujeiras (University of Santiago de Compostela, Spain), 
Emanuela Dreassi (University of Firenze, Italy), Tomás Goicoa (Public 
University of Navarra, Spain), Luigi Ippoliti (University of 
Chieti-Pescara, Italy) and Lola Ruiz-Medina (University of Granada, Spain)

*Location*: the meeting will take place at Campus Luigi Einaudi, 
University of Torino (IT), which has recently been included in the list 
of the top ten most spectacular university buildings 

About the host department: 

Crowned by the majestic Alps, Torino is packed with palaces and piazzas, 
great museums, cafés and restaurants. Torino also has an enviable food 
and wine tradition! Seewww.turismotorino.org 

All the relevant information can be found in the downloadable flyer:


We look forward to seeing you!

On behalf of the Organizing Committee,

Rosalba Ignaccolo

Rosalba Ignaccolo
Dipartimento di Economia e Statistica "Cognetti de Martiis"
Università degli Studi di Torino
Email: rosaria.ignaccolo a unito.it <mailto:cinzia.carota a unito.it>

Web page on UniTO: http://www.unito.it/persone/Rosalba.Ignaccolo


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