[Forum SIS] On behalf of the Chairman of the Statistics and Law working group of the Royal Statistical Society

Julia Mortera julia.mortera a uniroma3.it
Mar 4 Mar 2014 08:55:42 CET

On behalf of the Chairman of the Statistics and Law working group of the 
Royal Statistical Society


Al Presidente dell'Agenzia Nazionale della Valutazione del Sistema

Universitario e della Ricerca (ANVUR)

Piazza Kennedy, 20

00144 Roma


Dear President:

Assessment of Forensic Statistics

The Statistics and Law Working Group of the Royal Statistical Society 
understands that there is in Italy a list of "top-ranked" journals in 
the area of Statistics, which is used for assessing both the suitability 
of individuals for promotion and the quality of University Statistics 
Departments. The Group notes with concern that this list does not 
include a number of internationally leading journals in forensic 
science, law, genetics, biology and related disciplines, which regularly 
publish innovative methodology in the area of forensic statistics. This 
puts at an unfair disadvantage those statisticians who conduct original 
research in these areas and specifically choose such outlets for their 
work, as well as their departments. The flexibility of statisticians to 
publish in top ranking journals regularly consulted by forensic 
scientists, geneticists and lawyers, in the knowledge that that work 
will be properly appreciated, assessed and ranked, is vital if those 
disciplines are to profit from statistical advances focused on these 
important applied fields. Forensic statistics is an important branch of 
modern statistics, and should be properly considered whenever research 
in this area is evaluated, irrespective of the outlet in which it is 

Yours faithfully,

C.G.G. Aitken,

Professor of Forensic Statistics,

The University of Edinburgh,

Chairman of the Statistics and Law working group

of the Royal Statistical Society.

Cc: Prof.ssa Maria Chiara Carrozza, Ministro dell'Istruzione,

dell'Università e della Ricerca (MIUR)

Piazza Kennedy, 20

00144 Roma


Cc: Prof. Nicola Torelli, Presidente della Società Italiana di Statistica

Salita de' Crescenzi, 26

00186 Roma


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