[Forum SIS] Politecnico di Milano - Seminario J. S. Marron

Laura M. Sangalli laura.sangalli a polimi.it
Lun 9 Giu 2014 13:36:12 CEST

Si avvisa che in data 17-06-2014, alle ore 15:00 precise,
presso l'Aula Seminari "F. Saleri" VI piano - Dipartimento di 
Matematica, Politecnico di Milano,
nell'ambito delle iniziative MOX, si svolgerà il seguente seminario:

J. S. Marron
Dept. of Statistics and Operations Research
University of North Carolina

OODA of TreeStructured Data Objects Using Persistent Homology

The field of Object Oriented Data Analysis has made a lot of progress on 
the statistical analysis of the variation in populations of complex 
objects.  A particularly challenging example of this type is populations 
of tree-structured objects.  Deep challenges arise, whose solutions 
involve a marriage of ideas from statistics, geometry, and numerical 
analysis, because the space of trees is strongly non-Euclidean in 
nature.  Here these challenges are addressed using the approach of 
persistent homologies from topological data analysis.  The benefits of 
this data object representation are illustrated using a real data set, 
where each data point is the tree of blood arteries in one person's 
brain. Persistent homologies give much better results than those 
obtained in previous studies.

Tutti gli interessati sono invitati a partecipare.

Cordiali saluti,
Laura Sangalli

Laura Maria Sangalli
MOX - Dipartimento di Matematica
Politecnico di Milano
Piazza Leonardo da Vinci 32
20133 Milano - Italy
tel: +39 02 2399 4554
fax: +39 02 2399 4568
email: laura.sangalli at polimi.it
url: http://mox.polimi.it/~sangalli

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