[Forum SIS] International Conference On Robust Statistics 2015 - first announcement

Claudio Agostinelli claudio a unive.it
Mer 9 Lug 2014 09:10:00 CEST

Announcement of Conference

International Conference on Robust Statistics 2015
January 12-16, 2015
Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata, India

The International Conference on Robust Statistics (ICORS) has been an
annual international conference since 2001. The aim of the conference is
to bring together researchers interested in robust statistics, data
analysis and related areas. Traditionally this conference has involved
theoretical statisticians, applied statisticians and data analysts,
ranging from leading experts to junior researchers and graduate
students. The 2015 version will be held at the Indian Statistical
Institute, Kolkata, India. Abstract submission and registration will
begin in late July, 2014. This conference will cover all areas of
statistics having a robustness component or robustness

For further details visit the website of the conference, or write to Dr.
Ayanendranath Basu/Dr. Diganta Mukherjee at icors2015 at gmail.com.

Claudio Agostinelli
Dipartimento di Scienze Ambientali, Informatica e Statistica
Universita' Ca' Foscari di Venezia
San Giobbe, Cannaregio 873
30121 Venezia
Tel: 041 2347446, Fax: 041 2347444
email: claudio at unive.it,
www: www.dst.unive.it/~claudio
skype: claudio.agostinelli
vcf: http://www.dst.unive.it/~claudio/uploads/Main/ClaudioAgostinelli.vcf
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