[20° Forum SIS] Avviso seminario

Francesca De Battisti (francesca.debattisti) francesca.debattisti a unimi.it
Dom 5 Gen 2014 15:59:40 CET

Martedì 14 gennaio 2014 
Ester Rizzi (Research Centre on Population and Societies, Université catholique de Louvain) terrà il seminario dal titolo:
“The woman’s satisfaction with the division of domestic labour after the arrival of a child. The cases of France and Italy”
presso la Facoltà di Scienze Politiche, Economiche e Sociali dell’Università degli studi di Milano (aula seminari DEMM, II piano, via Conservatorio 7). 
Il seminario è programmato dalle 12.15 alle 13.30 circa. 
During life course women can become dissatisfied with the division of domestic labour with the partner, especially when they are challenged by significant events. This study focuses on the impact of motherhood on women satisfaction with division of domestic labour in France and Italy. To this aim, we will refer to two waves surveys coming from the Generations and Gender Program. At our knowledge, the relationship between fertility and satisfaction with the division of domestic labour has been rarely considered, especially with longitudinal data. In addition, most of previous studies fail to take into account that women who have a child could be a selected group with a higher level of satisfaction. Hence, a bias can occur in the estimation of the effect of motherhood. While controlling for unobserved heterogeneity through a fixed effect model, our preliminary results show a negative and significant effect of transition to motherhood on woman’s satisfaction in Italy, but not in France.
Ester Lucia RIZZI, Université Catholique de Louvain; e-mail: ester.rizzi at uclouvain.be
Maria Gabriella CAMPOLO, University of Messina; e-mail: mgcampolo at unime.it
Antonino DI PINO, University of Messina; e-mail: dipino at unime.it
Arnaud REGNIER-LOILIER, Institut National d’études démographiques; e-mail : arnaud.regnier-loilier at ined.fr
Tutti gli interessati sono invitati a partecipare.


Francesca De Battisti
Dipartimento di Economia, Management e Metodi Quantitativi 
(III piano, studio n. 29)
Via Conservatorio 7
20122 - Milano
Tel: 02.50321464
Fax: 02.50321505
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