[Forum SIS] Workshop Bringing Maths to Life, (Naples, October 27-29 2014)

Mariabrigida Ferraro mariabrigida.ferraro a uniroma1.it
Mer 26 Feb 2014 12:17:00 CET

*Dear Colleague,It is an honour, a privilege and a pleasure to invite you
for the Workshop Bringing Maths to Life (BMTL) which will be held on
October 27th-29th, 2014, in Naples at the Centro Congressi Federico
and interpreting rich biological datasets require more expertise than just
knowledge of the biological system at hand. Extracting reliable insights
from complex bodies of data calls for suitable mathematical solutions.*

*This workshop lets biologists and mathematicians join forces to address
key areas in biology that face demanding mathematical challenges.
Discussing existing cases to identify gaps or to share existing solutions
should help these disciplines in successfully linking up.BMTL Workshop will
be hosted in the ancient city of Naples, and will provide a timely and
pertinent occasion for international researchers that wish to engage in
cutting edge science at the interface of mathematics and biology.*

*For the participation, the submission of a short abstract is required. The
deadline for early registration and abstract submission is June 30th, 2014.*

*Special issues of international journals will be devoted to selected
papers presented at the conference.*

*More details can be found on the regularly updated website **www.bmtl.it

*Please forward this mail to colleagues who might also be interested in the
topics of this event.*

*We hope to meet you in Naples.*

*Kind regards,*

*Alessandra Rogato - IBBR, National Research Council (CNR) - Italy -
alessandra.rogato at ibbr.cnr.it <alessandra.rogato at ibbr.cnr.it>*

*Maria Brigida Ferraro - DSS, Sapienza University of Rome - Italy -
mariabrigida.ferraro at uniroma1.it <mariabrigida.ferraro at uniroma1.it>*

*Mario Rosario Guarracino - ICAR, National Research Council (CNR) - Italy -
mario.guarracino at cnr.it <mario.guarracino at cnr.it>*

*Martijn Moné - VU University - Netherlands & Infrastructure for Systems
Biology Europe (EU) - m.j.mone at vu.nl <m.j.mone at vu.nl>*

*Valeria Zazzu - IGB, National Research Council (CNR) - Italy -
valeria.zazzu at igb.cnr.it <valeria.zazzu at igb.cnr.it>*
*Vincenza Colonna - IGB, National Research Council (CNR) - Italy *-
*vincenza.colonna at igb.cnr.it
<vincenza.colonna at igb.cnr.it>*

Maria Brigida Ferraro, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor, Department of Statistical Sciences
Sapienza University of Rome
P.le Aldo Moro, 5 - 00185 Rome (Italy)
mariabrigida.ferraro at uniroma1.it
ferraromb at gmail.com
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