[Forum SIS] Open Call for Papers

Chiara Gigliarano chiara.gigliarano a unibocconi.it
Ven 14 Feb 2014 16:13:37 CET


Economia Pubblica - The Italian Journal of Public Economics

Open Call for Papers

Economia Pubblica is a Journal founded by Alberto Mortara about 45 years ago. Ciriec Italia and Utilitatis are now launching a new series. The Journal, a four-monthly review, is addressed to students and scholars of public policy, to policy makers and pratictioners in local and general governments and in public owned firms.

Economia Pubblica is included in Catalogo italiano dei periodici/Acnp, DoGi-Dottrine Giuridiche (ITTG/CNR), Ebsco Discovery Service, Econlit/Journal of Economic Literature, Essper, Google Scholar, ProQuest Summon, RePec, Torrosa-Casalini Full Text Platform.

We invite submission of original research papers. Preferred languages are Italian and English.

Potential topics of the essays to be submitted to Economia Pubblica include but are not limited to:
-Welfare Economics
-Macroeconomic Policy and Macroeconomic Aspects of Public Policy
-Personal Income, Wealth and their Distribution
-Structure and Scope of Government
-Taxation, Fiscal Policies, Public Provided Goods
-Health, Education, Welfare, Poverty
-Public Budgets, Deficit and Debt
-State and Local Govenments and Intergovernmental Relations
-Labour Economics Policies
-Law and Economics
-Non Profit Organizations
-Public Enterprise, Antitrust Issues and Policies
-Cooperative, Mutual and Social Enterprises
-Regulation of Public Owned Enterprises, Tariffs
-Environmental Economics, Resources Conservation

Submissions are welcome any time.

The Editor of the Journal is Lorenzo Robotti (Università Politecnica delle Marche).

Electronic submission in Word or Latex format should be addressed to Economia Pubblica: 
l.robotti a univpm.it , ciriecmi a tin.it

Authors are requested to keep to the Editorial Guidelines (http://www.francoangeli.it/riviste/NR/Sr-norme.pdf) and ensure the respect of the Publication Ethics and Publication Malpractice Statement

Essays should be kept within 25 pages. All papers will be externally reviewed according to the Journal's standards.

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