[Forum SIS] Meta-Analysis of Rare Events, 5th September 2014

Antonello Maruotti antonello.maruotti a uniroma3.it
Ven 29 Ago 2014 10:55:50 CEST

Dear All

Please find below some information relating to a forthcoming course to be held at the S3RI Institute (University of Southampton) that may be of interest to you:

Meta-Analysis of Rare Events, 5th September 2014
Course Presenters:     Professor Dankmar Boehning and Dr Antonello Maruotti.

Summary of course
This course will focus on the application of statistical methods to meta-analysis of studies with rare event outcome data. Of course, if the study data involve only non-rare outcome data the methods are applicable as well.

Course objectives
Topics will include the basic effect measures of relative risk, risk difference, and odds ratio with their role in establishing presence of an effect of an intervention or treatment. This is done on the basis of the availability of outcome data from several studies to the same topic. Outcome data are frequently available in form of event counts (number of cases) and often prone to zero counts which can lead to difficulties in producing a valid analysis. Mantel-Haenszel estimation of various effect measures including the risk ratio, the risk difference  and the odds ratio as well as Poisson and logistic regression (including random effects modelling)  are discussed to provide a more valid meta-analytic analysis.  The course will include a mixture of lectures and practical workshops using the software STATA.

This course is aimed at researchers who want to perform statistical modelling and analysis of count data arising in meta-analysis. Participants may be academic researchers in the medical and health or social sciences or may work in government, pharmaceutical industry, or other parts of the private sector.

Further information relating to the course can be found on:      http://www.southampton.ac.uk/s3ri/cpd/courses/140905_meta_analysis_of_rare_events.page

To register for the course online please follow the link:
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