[Forum SIS] Seminario di Louis Bonilla - Matematica Applicata - 10/9/2014

Giacomo Aletti (giacomo.aletti) giacomo.aletti a unimi.it
Gio 28 Ago 2014 10:49:08 CEST

Apologies for cross posting


Mercoledi 10 Settembre 2014, ore 12.30
Aula Rappresentanza, Dipartimento di Matematica 
(Via Saldini 50, Milano)

Hybrid Modelling of Tumor-induced Angiogenesis 

Prof. Luis Lopez Bonilla
Gregorio Millan Institute
Escuela Politecnica Superior
Universidad Carlos III de Madrid

When modeling of tumor-driven angiogenesis, a major source of analytical and computational complexity is the strong coupling between the kinetic parameters of the relevant stochastic branching-and-growth of the capillary network, and the family of interacting underlying fields. To reduce this complexity, we take advantage of the system intrinsic multiscale structure: we describe the stochastic cell dynamics at their natural microscale, whereas we describe the deterministic dynamics of the underlying fields at a larger macroscale. We set up a conceptual stochastic model including branching, elongation, and anastomosis of vessels and derive a mean field approximation for their densities. This leads to a deterministic integro-partial differential system that describes the formation of the stochastic vessel network. We discuss the proper capillary injecting boundary conditions and find a reduced description by Chapman-Enskog perturbation methods. 
We include the results of relevant numerical simulations.

La S.V. e` cordialmente invitata.


Home page del seminario: http://www.mat.unimi.it/users/veeser/sma/
Il seminario e` organizzato da:
- Dipartimento di Matematica dell'Universita` di Milano,
- Scuola di Dottorato in Scienze Matematiche.

Per ulteriori informazioni contattare Giacomo Aletti, Lourenco Beirao da Veiga o Andreas Veeser.


Giacomo Aletti, Associate Professor

Advanced Applied Mathematical and Statistical Sciences

Department of Mathematics (www.mat.unimi.it)
Via Saldini, 50
20133 Milano, Italy
Tel: +39-02-503.16158
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