[Forum SIS] [SIS2014] Tentative Program -- Apologize for Cross-posting --

Stefano Cabras s.cabras a unica.it
Mar 29 Apr 2014 16:13:40 CEST

Dear participants to the SIS2014 meeting,

here you can find the tentative program:


It is a draft program with some possible typos due to the fact that paper
details have been directly retrieved from your submission on the SIS

In the tentative program there are some missing data (such as titles,
speakers, chairs, etc.).

The final program will be available only after the 8th of May (final
deadline for all papers, except posters).

The first Table contains the list of all sessions. Therefore, invited
speakers, chairs and discussants can single out their engagement during the
meeting. The same applies to speakers of Contributed sessions that appear
in the second Table.

We remember to make the registration for the SIS2014 meeting using the
online form. The contributed papers will be included in the final program
only if the registration fee has been paid within May 10, 2014.

Moreover, you have to use the website of the Organizing Secretariat
"Corsi&Congressi" (see the link in the header of the Meeting website) and
book there your tickets for lunches and reserve the social dinner. Read
carefully the indications and the deadlines for registration and payments.

Finally, we suggest booking your flight and accommodation as soon as
possible, since June is one of the busiest month in Sardinia.

We look forward to see you in Cagliari.

The Organizing committee.
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