[Forum SIS] Two new courses at RECSM

ARPINO, BRUNO bruno.arpino a upf.edu
Mer 23 Ott 2013 18:09:27 CEST

Dear all,

the* ** Research and Expertise Centre for Survey Methodology
 *has the pleasure to announce that registration for two new courses is now

*Course 1 - "My First Bayes: Why and How to Run Your First Bayesian Model
using MPlus"*

The course will be taught by Prof. Rens van de
Schoot<http://www.uu.nl/staff/agjvandeschoot> (Utrecht
University, The Netherlands). It will take place on December 10-11, 2013.

*Course 2 - "A brief introduction to measurement error and the Survey
Quality Predictor 2.0 program"*

The course will be taught by Dr. Melanie
Revilla<http://www.upf.edu/survey/members/melanie.html> (Research
and Expertise Centre for Survey Methodology, Universitat Pompeu Fabra). It
will take place on December 12, 2013.

The courses are directed to experts coming from survey research commercial
firms, researchers and students of political science, sociology,
psychology, medical sciences and economics. *No prior knowledge of specific
software is assumed*.

*Both courses will be held at the Campus de la Ciutadella of Universitat
Pompeu Fabra (Barcelona), on December 10-12, 2013*. The language of
instruction for both courses will be English.

*Deadline for registration is December 3, 2013.*

Complete information on the courses, including the courses' programs,
costs, and registration procedures, can be found at the following link:


For any questions about the courses, feel free to contact us at
recsm a upf.edu

Best regards


*Bruno Arpino*

Department of Political and Social Sciences

Carrer Ramon Trias Fargas 25-27 | 08005 - Barcelona
[Tel.] +34 93 542 2366[Fax.] +34 93 542 2372
bruno.arpino a upf.edu

[image: Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona]
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