[Forum SIS] Seminario

Francesca De Battisti (francesca.debattisti) francesca.debattisti a unimi.it
Lun 25 Nov 2013 14:30:16 CET

Martedì 3 dicembre 2013 
Omar Paccagnella (Department of Statistical Sciences, University of Padua) terrà il seminario dal titolo:
“Modelling Individual Heterogeneity in Ordered Choice Models: Anchoring Vignettes and the Chopit Model”
presso la Facoltà di Scienze Politiche, Economiche e Sociali dell’Università degli studi di Milano (aula seminari DEMM, II piano, via Conservatorio 7). 
Il seminario è programmato dalle 12.15 alle 13.30 circa. 
This paper provides an overview on the approach of the Anchoring Vignettes, introduced ten years ago to analyse self-reported ordinal survey responses taking into account individual heterogeneity in the interpretation of the questions. The main characteristics and assumptions of this approach are reviewed, as well as two different statistical solutions introduced for dealing with vignette data. Attention will be also paid to the current discussion on some critical points and hints for future researches on this approach. An empirical application using information collected by some longitudinal vignettes within the Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe (SHARE) will show the potentialities of this methodology.
Tutti gli interessati sono invitati a partecipare.



Francesca De Battisti
Dipartimento di Economia, Management e Metodi Quantitativi 
(III piano, studio n. 29)
Via Conservatorio 7
20122 - Milano
Tel: 02.50321464
Fax: 02.50321505
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