[Forum SIS] BarCamp @ Polimi

Francesca Ieva francesca.ieva1984 a gmail.com
Mer 3 Lug 2013 14:15:04 CEST

Dear all,

we would like to remind you of BarCamp @ Polimi -http://mox.polimi.it/barcamp_sco2013/, to be held in Politecnico di Milano on September 12, 2013.

BarCamp @ Polimi is aimed at envisioning statistical models and methods that will have an impact on the development of technology in the next 25 years. It represents a fantastic opportunity to discuss and share your ideas about the hot topics of statistics with other young statisticians in a relaxed and friendly atmosphere. It will be also the chance to build a network among young researchers working in the field of Statistics. Attendees are encouraged to suggest topics for discussions and to bring free material to share, using standard and non-standard way of dissemination.

The meeting is oriented at early career statisticians (i.e., people carrying out a PhD, post-doc or students who are finishing the Master Degree), as well as young and senior researchers and all sympathizers from other research fields who want to attend. The goal is to provide a cross fertilization among disciplines which can benefit from the use of statistical methods.

All information on BarCamp @ Polimi, including the sign-up link, the program and the forum for discussion can be found on the conference website at  *http://mox.polimi.it/barcamp_sco2013/*   or on the facebook page BarCamp a Polimi.

No conference fee is due, but registration is mandatory, using the form available on the website.

For further information or any doubt/question, please do not hesitate to contact us at*barcamp2013 a mate.polimi.it*

We look forward to seeing you in Milan!
The BarCamp Team


Francesca Ieva

MOX - Modeling and Scientific Computing
Methematica Department, Politecnico di Milano
Via Bonardi 9, 20133 Milano, Italy

url: https://sites.google.com/site/mypagefi/

mailto: francesca.ieva1984 a gmail.com
         francesca.ieva a polimi.it


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