[Forum SIS] Faculty Position at UFRJ

ippoliti a unich.it ippoliti a unich.it
Gio 10 Gen 2013 11:01:02 CET

Giro per opportuna conoscenza quanto ricevuto da Dani Gamerman (UFRJ).

Cordiali saluti,

Luigi Ippoliti

  Applications for the position of 1 Adjunct Professor at the Department of
  Statistical Methods (DME) of Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ)
are open until 06 February 2013. Candidates must have a Ph.D. in Statistics
or related filed and are expected to work in full-time dedication, starting
probably in the second half of 2013.

The Department of Statistical Methods is known nationally and internationally
for its research and teaching. It is responsible for undergraduate courses
in Statistics and Actuarial Science, both with excellent performance in
recent national evaluations. Our graduate program in Statistics is one of
the most experienced nationally, having graduated more than a hundred MSc’s
  and two dozens doctors. Visit our website (www.dme.ufrj.br) for further

Extension activities include courses in Industrial Statistics, Actuaries and
Finance for the insurance market, development of projects for industry, the
  public sector and also support for the research activities of faculty and
  graduate students from other areas of UFRJ. These activities are concentrated
  in the Laboratories of Statistics run by the Department.

The faculty of the Department consists mostly of doctors in full-time
  dedication. A significant portion of the faculty have excellent performance
in research and are recognized as scientific leaders in their areas of
interest. DME offers a pleasant working environment, with several
collaborations in research and student supervision, with suitable offices,
adequately equipped, access to library and computer labs, as well as basic
administrative support.

Further information can be obtained from Prof. Helio S. Migon
(migon at im.ufrj.br), Head of the Department.

  Dani Gamerman
  Depto. de Métodos Estatísticos (DME)
  Lab. de Sistemas Estocásticos (LSE)
  Instituto de Matemática - UFRJ
  Caixa Postal 68530
  21945-970 Rio de Janeiro, RJ
  tel (21) 2562 7911
  fax (21) 2562 7374
  dani at im.ufrj.br

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