[Forum SIS] Webdatanet 1st Training School: Implementing high-quality web surveys

Teresio Poggio terlist a gmail.com
Mar 26 Feb 2013 19:16:04 CET

Care/i tutte/i,

un'interessante iniziativa dei colleghi del network Webdatanet.



It is a pleasure for us to announce the */Webdatanet 1st Training
School: Implementing high-quality web surveys
<http://webdatanet.cbs.dk/index.php/data/99>/*, that will take place
the *10, 11 and 12 of April, 2013 in Ljubljana, Slovenia.*

The Training School will provide trainees with basic principles of
practical implementation of high-quality Web surveys through the steps
–coverage, sampling, nonresponse, and measurement-of the web survey
process. Special attention will be given to different aspects of
questionnaire design for Web surveys.

The training school is aimed to:

-Young researchers from across Europe who want conduct a web survey for
their own research project;

-Established researchers as an opportunity for re-training as part of
life-long learning;

-Researchers coming from different fields - with or without previous
experience in surveys - willing to conduct a web survey.

The trainers will be three prestigious experts on web survey
methodology, Katja Lozar Manfreda and Nejc Berzelak from University of
Ljubljana, and Michael Bosnjak from the University of Bolzano and GESIS
- Leibniz Institute for Social Sciences, Mannheim as a guest lecturer.

*Webdatanet, through COST, offers individual 20 travel support grants
of 800 Euros, up to a maximum of 20 eligible trainees. The total
number of participants will be 25.*

You can find further info about the program, selection criteria and
practical info here <http://webdatanet.cbs.dk/index.php/data/99>.

We ask you to further distribute this invitation throughout your
networks to those who might be interested. And if you or any of your
colleagues, master or PhD students, post doc researchers, senior
researchers etc. are interested, please note that**_*the registration
should be done here before 11 of March* <https://www.1ka.si/a/23552>_.


Dr. Teresio Poggio
Assistant Professor
School of Economics and Management
Universitätsplatz 1 - Piazzetta dell'Università, 1
39031 Bruneck-Brunico, Italy
Email: teresio.poggio at unibz.it
T: +39 0474 013642
F: +39 0471 013009

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