[20° Forum SIS] Summer school ABS14 on Applied Bayesian Nonparametrics

raffaele argiento raffaele a mi.imati.cnr.it
Mar 3 Dic 2013 18:20:05 CET

 Care colleghe e colleghi, ,
  vi trasmetto in allegato l'annuncio dell'undicesima edizione della
scuola estiva ABS14 (Applied Bayesian Statistics).

Il tema di quest'anno è "Applied Bayesian Nonparametric".

Tutti gli interessati sono pregati di visitare il sito:

Raffaele Argiento
Direttore Esecutivo di ABS14

Raffaele Argiento
IMATI-CNR, Via Bassini 15, 20133 Milano
Tel. +39 02 23699529
Fax. +39 02 23699538
e-mail: raffaele a mi.imati.cnr.it

-------------- parte successiva --------------
Please find enclosed the announcement of the 11th edition of
the ABS (Applied Bayesian Statistics) summer school. Like this 
year, the 2014 school will be held in the magnificent Villa 
del Grumello, in Como (Italy), on the Lake Como shore.

Guido Consonni and Fabrizio Ruggeri
ABS14 Directors

          *            ABS14            *

        Applied Bayesian Statistics School


June, 16 - 20, 2014 - Villa del Grumello, Como, Italy


Professor Michael JORDAN, Department of Electrical Engineering 
and Computer Science and  Department of Statistics at the 
University of California, Berkeley, USA

Professor Francois CARON, Department of Statistics, University 
College Oxford, UK

The conference webpage is

>>>>   www.mi.imati.cnr.it/conferences/abs14.html   <<<<

Registration will start after January, 1st, 2014 and details on 
programme and accommodations will be provided early next year.

The conference room allows only for a very limited number of
participants (max. 35).

Interested people are invited to contact the ABS14 Secretariat at

                     abs14 a mi.imati.cnr.it

--------------------- COURSE OUTLINE ----------------------------------------

The school will make use of lectures, practical sessions, software
demonstrations with Matlab/Octave, informal discussion sessions and 
presentations of research projects by school participants. The slides 
and background reading material will be distributed to the students 
before the start of the course.

The topics covered by the lecturers will be:

- General introduction and motivation: Why Bayesian nonparametrics?
- Dirichlet process mixtures, Chinese restaurant process, stick-breaking 
- Computational methods for Dirichlet process mixtures
- Models beyond the Dirichlet process: Completely random measures, Pitman-Yor 
  and Beta-Bernoulli processes
- Applications to natural language processing
- Applications to network analysis
- Hierarchical Bayesian nonparametric models
- Applications to topic modeling

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