[Forum SIS] Call for abstracts for the 1st Southern European Conference on Survey Methodology (SESM) and VI Congreso de Metodología de Encuestas, Barcelona 2013

ARPINO, BRUNO bruno.arpino a upf.edu
Mer 24 Apr 2013 19:46:49 CEST

Dear all,

Abstracts proposals are now accepted via web (
http://eventia.upf.edu/congresos/ficha.en.html?cc=123&) for the 1st SESM
Conference and the VI Congreso de Metodología de Encuestas, to be held in
Barcelona (Spain) from the 12th to the 14th of December 2013.

In particular, we would like to point your attention on two sessions about
causal inference:

 ·         *Recent Advances in Causal Inference* (Organizers: Alessandra
Mattei and Fabrizia Mealli, University of Florence. Language of the
session: English)

 The section will focus on both methodological issues and substantive
empirical research related to the identification and estimation of causal
effects in complicated settings under the potential outcomes framework for
causal inference. Speakers will propose flexible multivariate Bayesian
approaches for principal stratication analyses to identify and estimate
causal effects in the presence of intermediate variables. In many causal
inference studies, units are clustered in ways that may be relevant to the
analysis. In the section innovative techniques to incorporate a-priori
information on possible interactions among units will be proposed.

 ·         *Propensity score methods: recent theoretical advances and
innovative applications *(Organizer: Bruno Arpino, Universitat Pompeu Fabra.
Language of the session: English)

 Propensity score methods for estimating causal effects in observational
studies have been increasingly used in the social and medical sciences.
Still a lot of methodological work needs to be done to identify optimal
ways of specifying the propensity score model, analyzing covariates
balance, treat missing data, measurement error, etc. The panel will focus
on recent developments in propensity score methods that address one or more
of these issues. Submissions on innovative use of propensity score methods
in applied works are also welcome.

Abstracts should be submitted via the conference website (
http://eventia.upf.edu/congresos/ficha.en.html?cc=123&) by selecting one of
the accepted sessions. The abstract limit is 300 words.

Deadline for abstract submission is 20 May, 2013. The decision about
acceptance/rejection of abstract will be made by each session organizer on
the basis of the quality of the proposals and their adequacy to the session
topic. Notification will be given by June 3.

In the case of acceptance, papers should be sent by December 2.

This is the complete list of sessions:

    Measurement and error in survey pooling (Organizer: Xavier Fernández i
Marín; ESADEgeo (Center for Global Economy and Geopolitics)

·         *Correction for measurement error* (Organizer: Willem Saris;
Universitat Pompeu Fabra)

·         *Quality of Web surveys* (Organizer: Melanie Revilla; Universitat
Pompeu Fabra)

·         *El dilema metodológico en la investigación social: propuestas e
innovaciones en la integración de información cualitativa y
cuantitativa*(Organizer: Diana
Paola Penagos Vásquez; Parametría S.A. de C.V.)

·         *Web Surveys and Official Statistics: Perspectives and Cases
Bianca Martelli; Italian National Institute of Statistics)

·         *Advances in spatial sampling* (Organizer: Daniela Cocchi;
University of Bologna)

·         *Variance and design effect estimation in international
surveys*(Organizer: Ralf
Münnich; University of Trier)

·         *Methods for use of administrative data in Official
Statistics*(Organizers: Loredana di Consiglio;

·         *Surveys of immigrant-background and ethnic minority groups:
methodological and technical challenges* (Organizer: Mónica Méndez Lago;
Centro de Investigaciones Sociológicas)

·         *Las encuestas en los Sistemas de Garantía de Calidad en las
universidades: Problemas y soluciones* (Organizer: Pablo Arranz;
Universidad de Burgos)

·         *Response Scale Design in Surveys* (Organizer: Kathrin Bogner;
GESIS- Leibniz Institute of the Social Sciences)

·         *Las encuestas de salud: presente y retos futuros* (Organizer: Unai
Martin Roncero; Universidad del País Vasco)

·         *Multilevel models - practical applications in social science
researches* (Organizer: Beata Lopaciuk-Gonczaryk; University of Warsaw)

·         *Surveys in policy making* (Organizer: Joan Font Fábregas; IESA)

·         *Nuevas estrategias metodológicas en la realización encuestas y
sondeos electorales* (Organizer: Juan Montabes Pereira; Universidad de
Granada. CADPEA)

·         *Data Mining and Text Mining on Survey Data* (Organizer: Angelika
Scheuer; GESIS - Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences)

·         *The use of surveys for policy making in Europe* (Organizer:  Michela
Nardo; European Commission - DG JRC)

·         *Using small area estimation for regional policies *(Organizer:
Maria Ferrante; Department of Statistical Sciences, University of Bologna)

·         *New statistical methods to make inference with big data at a
local level* (Organizer: Stefano Marchetti; University of Pisa)

·         *Small area methods in Official Statistics* (Organizer: Stefano
Falorsi; Italian National Statistical Institute)

·         *Two sessions on measurement invariance assessment* (Organizer: Alain
DE BEUCKELAER; Renmin University of China; Ghent University; Radboud
University Nijmegen)

·         *Recent Advances in Causal Inference* (Organizer: Alessandra
Mattei; Department of Statistics, Computer Science, Applications
(University of Florence))

·         *Propensity score methods: recent theoretical advances and
innovative applications*(Organizer: Bruno Arpino; Universitat Pompeu Fabra)

·         *INCOMPLETE DATA WORKSHOP: Flexible Imputation of Missing
Data*(Organizer: Gerko
Vink; Utrecht University)

·         *The use of paradata to investigate non-response* (Organizer: Paula
Vicente Instituto Universitário de Lisboa (ISCTE-IUL))

·         *El proceso de anonimización. El caso del Centre d’Estudis
d’Opinió* (Organizer: Beatriz Galindo; Centre d’Estudis d’Opinió)

·         *Mejoras en la calidad de la información mediante la combinación
de modos/modalidades de recogida de información. *(Organizer: Vidal Díaz de
Rada, Departamento de Sociología, Universidad Pública de Navarra)**

Best regards,

Bruno Arpino


*Bruno Arpino*

Department of Political and Social Sciences

Carrer Ramon Trias Fargas 25-27 | 08005 - Barcelona
[Tel.] +34 93 542 2366[Fax.] +34 93 542 2372
bruno.arpino a upf.edu

[image: Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona]
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