[Forum SIS] LABOUR Lectures on ?Empirical Strategies: IV and RD go to school?

Roberto Rocci roberto.rocci a uniroma2.it
Lun 23 Gen 2012 11:52:01 CET

Cari colleghi,
vi segnalo la seguente iniziativa.

Roberto Rocci

Dear colleague,

CEIS and the University of Rome ?Tor Vergata? are very pleased to  
announce the presentation of the next set of LABOUR Lectures on  
?Empirical Strategies: IV and RD go to school? given by Professor  
Joshua Angrist (MIT), to be held at EIEF (via Sallustiana 62, Rome)  
from June 18 to June 20, 2012.

?Empirical Strategies: IV and RD go to school? covers econometric  
ideas and widely used empirical modeling strategies discussed in the  
book Mostly Harmless Econometrics.
The course will include 6 classroom lectures and 9 participants?  
presentations. Presentations will be given in the American labor lunch  
style, with discussion and feedback.

Interested researchers and advanced graduate students are encouraged  
to submit a paper (see the CALL FOR PAPERS section at the course  
web-page), though everyone is welcome to attend even if not  
presenting. The number of participants is limited, so early  
registrations are encouraged!

Applications should arrive no later than March 15, 2012.

For further information, please see: http://www.ceistorvergata.it/angrist

We apologize in advance for cross posting.

Kind regards,

Daniela Vuri
Scientific Organizer
Faculty of Economics
University of Rome "Tor Vergata"
via Columbia 2, 00133 Rome - Italy

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