[Forum SIS] Seminario Bologna 19 aprile 2012

Alessandro Baldi Antognini a.baldi a unibo.it
Gio 12 Apr 2012 12:47:12 CEST


Alessandra Giovagnoli
E-MAIL alessandra.giovagnoli a unibo.it<mailto:alessandra.giovagnoli a unibo.it>

Giorno: 19 aprile 2012 - ore 15:00

Luogo:  aula III, Dipartimento di Scienze Statistiche, Università di Bologna, via Belle Arti 41, Bologna.

Titolo: Design of Experiments: from Physical to Simulated.

Abstract: Since Fisher's times, statisticians have pressed very hard the message that scientific experimentation must be accurately planned to get meaningful results, and have devised useful schemes (block designs, factorial designs, cross over designs etc.) in the field firstly of agricultural, then industrial and more recently biopharmaceutical experiments. This presentation will deal with recent developments of designs of experiments ethically aimed at minimizing the impact the on patients' and healthy volunteers' well-being. It will include issues related to computer (virtual) experiments, which originated in an engineering context but are becoming common even in bio-medicine.


Alessandro Baldi Antognini

Department of Statistical Sciences,
University of Bologna,
Via Belle Arti 41, 40126, Bologna, Italy.
Phone: 0039 0512098199
Fax: 0039 051232153

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