[Forum SIS] Bocconi DEC Seminar: Yee Whye Teh - May 12th

anna.simoni a unibocconi.it anna.simoni a unibocconi.it
Lun 9 Maggio 2011 17:28:37 CEST

Dear colleagues, 

The Department of Decision Sciences ( DEC ) of Bocconi University is pleased to invite you to the seminar: 

DEC Seminar 
Università Bocconi 
Room 3-E4-SR03 
Via Rontgen 1 - 3rd floor 
Time: 12:30pm 

The DEC seminar schedule is available at http://www.unibocconi.eu/statseminar 

Thursday, May 12th 

Yee Whye Teh 
(University College London) 

"Fragmentation-Coagulation Processes: a Model for Aligned Sequences and an Application in Genetics" 

Abstract : 

In this talk I will describe recent work on fragmentation-coagulation processes, an alternative to the popular hidden Markov models that are suitable for modelling aligned sequences often arising in genetics. 
Fragmentation-coagulation processes are Markov processes over partitions that evolve by either splitting a cluster into multiple clusters or merging multiple clusters into one. 
Fragmentation-coagulation processes are suitable for modelling genetic sequences whereby the clustering structure at a point of the genome roughly corresponds to the genealogy at that point. Due to the genetic processes of recombination and gene conversion, the genealogies at different points of the genome can (and often do) differ, with the genealogies of far apart points being (on average) more different than close by points, and it is this effect that makes the analysis of genetic data interesting. Using fragmentation-coagulation processes, this changing genealogy is captured by the partition structure which changes by splits and merges as it moves along the genome. 
I will describe some interesting theoretical properties of fragmentation-coagulation processes, relate them to a number of Bayesian nonparametric models of partitions and hierarchical clusterings, and present some preliminary results on the problems of genotype imputation and recombination rate estimation. 

Joint work with Charles Blundell, Vinayak Rao, Lloyd Elliott, and Andriy Mnih. 

Anna Simoni 

Anna Simoni 

Assistant Professor 
Department of Decision Sciences 
Università Bocconi 
via Roentgen, 1 
20136 Milano - Italy 

Email:anna.simoni a unibocconi.it 
Webpage: http://faculty.unibocconi.eu/annasimoni/ 

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