[Forum SIS] Job openings at IRVAPP, Trento (Italy): 2 Research Fellows and 2 Junior Researchers

Nadir Zanini nzanini a irvapp.it
Dom 19 Giu 2011 11:34:45 CEST

Please see attached documents for more information.

Nadir Zanini

Research Fellow

Research Institute for the Evaluation of Public Policies
Bruno Kessler Foundation
via Santa Croce, 77
38122 - Trento, Italy
tel.: +39 0461 210 234
fax.: +39 0461 210 240
home: http://irvapp.fbk.eu/it/home
email: nzanini a irvapp.it<mailto:nzanini a irvapp.it>

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Nome:        Profili researchers_JR_06-June-11.pdf
Tipo:        application/pdf
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Descrizione: Profili researchers_JR_06-June-11.pdf
URL:         <http://www.stat.unipg.it/pipermail/sis/attachments/20110619/3cb977e8/attachment-0002.pdf>
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Nome:        Profili researchers_R_06-June-11.pdf
Tipo:        application/pdf
Dimensione:  68543 bytes
Descrizione: Profili researchers_R_06-June-11.pdf
URL:         <http://www.stat.unipg.it/pipermail/sis/attachments/20110619/3cb977e8/attachment-0003.pdf>

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