[Forum SIS] July's workshop on optimum experimental design in Cambridge

Alessandra Giovagnoli alessandra.giovagnoli a unibo.it
Mar 14 Giu 2011 23:57:05 CEST

inviato da  Alessandra Giovagnoli

Dariusz Uciński and Andrew Curtis organize a workshop on "Experiments for Processes With Time or Space Dynamics" (18-22 July 2011, Isaac Newton Institute, Cambridge, UK).
It starts the programme on
"Design and Analysis of Experiments" at the Isaac Newton Institute (INI)
for Mathematical Sciences in Cambridge, UK, see


The INI have accommodation and seats in the seminar room for a number of additional participants.
What is more, they can find sufficient funding to cover their local
costs (accomodation, meals, fee, but no travel) as long as they have
their PhDs. The local costs of two or three students from overseas can be covered.
Please note that this support is by no means conditioned by presenting a
poster or giving a talk (as a matter of fact, the programme of the
workshop is already closed).

Persons who could be interested in attending the meeting can either send their details straight to

Professor Dariusz Ucinski
Institute of Control and Computation Engineering
University of Zielona Gora
ul. Podgorna 50
65-246 Zielona Gora
Tel: +48 68 3282501
Fax:  +48 68 3247295
E-mail: D.Ucinski at issi.uz.zgora.pl
Web page: www.uz.zgora.pl/~ducinski/

or they can apply online via

programme with abstracts of individual talks is available

Alessandra Giovagnoli
Professore AlmaMater
Department of Statistical Sciences
University of Bologna
via Belle Arti 41
40126   BOLOGNA (Italy)
Fax       +39 051-232153
E-MAIL alessandra.giovagnoli at unibo.it


5 per mille all'Università di Bologna - C.F.: 80007010376

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