[Forum SIS] PhD Position in Statistics at Aalborg University, Denmark

Laura M. Sangalli laura.sangalli a polimi.it
Mar 5 Lug 2011 08:56:18 CEST


vi inoltro da parte del dott. Kasper Berthelsen, Aalborg University, 
l'annuncio di una borsa di dottorato in statistica presso il suo 
da portare alla conoscenza di vostri studenti che possano essere 
interessati a questa opportunitą.
L'annuncio indica il link alla pagina web in cui sono descritte le 
modalitą di domanda.

Cordiali saluti,
Laura Sangalli


PhD Position in Statistics at Aalborg University

At the Aalborg University, Department of Mathematical Sciences a PhD
stipend in Statistics is available within the general study programme
Mathematics and Physics. The stipend is open for appointment from
October 1, 2011 or as soon as possible thereafter. The deadline for
applications is August 15, 2011.

The PhD student will be associated with the statistics group at the
Department of Mathematical Sciences (http://www.math.aau.dk/). The
group is recognised worldwide for its excellent front line
research. The senior members are 2 Professors and 7 Associate
Professors with cutting edge competences within a wide range of
statistical disciplines. The stipend is partly funded by a grant from
the Danish National Advance Technoly Foundation
(http://hoejteknologifonden.dk/en/) through the BagTrack project.

The overall purpose of the BagTrack project is to develop and deploy a
breakthrough in the baggage handling quality in the airline
industry. The key technology is RFID tags attatched to bags at
selected airports and subsequently read at fixed points on their way
to the final destination.

The PhD student will mainly work with research questions related to
the BagTrack project. The main statistical research challenge will be
to develop statistical models and inference procedures concerning the
handling process and the reading of tags with the main purpose of
developing strategies for bag tagging, analysis of handling quality,
and gaining insight into the causes of mishandling.

The applicant must hold a master degree and strong qualifications in
mathematical statistics. Thus, it is essential that the applicant is
strongly familiar with theoretical statistics as well as applied
statistics. Strong computing skills are also highly relevant. Finally,
the applicant must master English both orally and in writing.

Further information is given at
(see `PhD Stipend in Statistics (17-11051)')


Laura Maria Sangalli
MOX - Dipartimento di Matematica
Politecnico di Milano
Piazza Leonardo da Vinci 32
20133 Milano - Italy
tel: +39 02 2399 4554
fax: +39 02 2399 4606
email: laura.sangalli at polimi.it
url: http://mox.polimi.it/~sangalli

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