[Forum SIS] Seminario IRVAPP - Steve Pudney - 20 gennaio

Nadir Zanini nzanini a irvapp.it
Lun 3 Gen 2011 11:51:06 CET


2011 IRVAPP Seminar Series:      Perception and Retrospection: The dynamic consistency of responses to survey questions on wellbeing<http://irvapp.fbk.eu/Eventi_conferenze/Seminari/Pudney_1>

Relatore:      Steve Pudney  (Institute for Social and Economic Research, University of Essex)
Data:           giovedì 20 gennaio ore 17.00
Luogo:                IRVAPP / Fondazione Bruno Kessler, Via S. Croce 77- Trento

Implementation of broad approaches to welfare analysis usually entails the use of 'subjective' welfare indicators. We analyse British Household Panel Survey data on financial wellbeing to determine whether reported current and retrospective perceptions are consistent with each other and with the existence of a common underlying wellbeing concept. We allow for adjustment of perceptions in a vector ARMA model for panel data, with dependent variables observed ordinally and find that current perceptions exhibit slow adjustment to changing circumstances and retrospective assessments of past wellbeing are heavily contaminated by current circumstances, causing significant bias in measures of the level and change in welfare.


Chiediamo la cortesia a coloro che intendono partecipare al seminario, di segnalare la loro presenza entro martedì 18 gennaio all'indirizzo di posta elettronica:  girardisil a irvapp.it<mailto:girardisil a irvapp.it>

La presentazione si terrà in lingua inglese.


2011 IRVAPP Seminar Series:      Perception and Retrospection: The dynamic consistency of responses to survey questions on wellbeing<http://irvapp.fbk.eu/Eventi_conferenze/Seminari/Pudney_1>

Speaker:      Steve Pudney  (Institute for Social and Economic Research, University of Essex)
Date:           Thursday 20th  January,  5pm
Venue:                IRVAPP / Fondazione Bruno Kessler, Via S. Croce 77- Trento

Implementation of broad approaches to welfare analysis usually entails the use of 'subjective' welfare indicators. We analyse British Household Panel Survey data on financial wellbeing to determine whether reported current and retrospective perceptions are consistent with each other and with the existence of a common underlying wellbeing concept. We allow for adjustment of perceptions in a vector ARMA model for panel data, with dependent variables observed ordinally and find that current perceptions exhibit slow adjustment to changing circumstances and retrospective assessments of past wellbeing are heavily contaminated by current circumstances, causing significant bias in measures of the level and change in welfare.


If you with to attend the seminar, we would kindly ask you to send an email to girardisil a irvapp.it<mailto:girardisil a irvapp.it> by Tuesday 18th January.

The presentation will be in English.

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