[Forum SIS] Fwd: Summer school of the International Association for Statistical Computing

Claudio Agostinelli claudio a unive.it
Lun 14 Feb 2011 12:15:43 CET

Cari Colleghi,
vi invio l'annuncio che ho ricevuto, con preghiera di diffusione,
Cordiali Saluti,
Claudio Agostinelli


I am pleased to inform you of the following

Robust methods for advanced data structures
Tuesday 6 September 2011 - Friday 9 September 2011,  Leuven (Belgium)

The IASC-ERS Summer school is intended to provide training in special
areas of statistics for PhD students, junior researchers and lecturers
at universities. Professionals working in industry who are interested in
the application of new statistical methods are also invited to
participate. Participants are expected to have good background in
statistics at the M.Sc. level although not necessarily related to the
subject of the course.

Course Description:  Robust statistical methods remain reliable in
presence of model deviation. If outliers are present in the data, the
bias of a robust estimator remains bounded.  Moreover, the efficiency of
a robust estimator should be reasonable high over a large class of model
distributions, and not just a single model. The theory and practice of
robust statistics is well developed for location, scale, and regression
problems. Over the last decade, significant progress has been made in
the development of robust methods for more advanced data structures.  In
this summer school we do not only introduce the basic ideas and
principles of robustness, but we also cover recently proposed methods
for more complex statistical models.  The course is given at the
research level, but does not require preliminary knowledge of robust
statistics.  Both theoretical and implementation aspects are covered.
There is also opportunity for junior participants to present their first
research r

Organizers: Christophe Croux and Mia Hubert (K.U.Leuven)
Lectures:    Peter Rousseeuw (K.U. Leuven), Stefan Van Aelst (Ghent
University, Belgium), Eva Cantoni (University of Genève, Switzerland),
Hannu Oja (University of Tampere, Finland)


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