[Forum SIS] Seminars in Biostatistics and Epidemiology in Bicocca

Rino Bellocco rino.bellocco a statistica.unimib.it
Sab 17 Dic 2011 13:41:06 CET

Speaker: Prof Miguel Hernan, Department of Epidemiology, Harvard School 
of Public Health

Title:  Epidemiologic methods are useless. They can only give you answers

The first duty of any epidemiologist is to ask a relevant question. 
Learning and applying sophisticated epidemiologic methods is of little 
help if the methods are used to answer irrelevant questions. This talk 
will discuss the formulation of research questions in the presence of 
time-varying treatments and treatments with multiple versions, including 
pharmacological treatments and lifestyle exposures. Several examples 
will show that discrepancies between observational studies and 
randomized trials are often not due to confounding, but to the different 
questions asked

Place: Aula Tesi, Dipartimento di Statistica, University of 
Milano-Bicocca, Building U7 / Second Floor, Via Bicocca degli Arcimboldi

Date: Dicembre 21, 3:00 PM

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