[Forum SIS] Bocconi PhD in Statistics and Applied Mathematics 2012-13

angela.baldassarre a unibocconi.it angela.baldassarre a unibocconi.it
Gio 15 Dic 2011 12:02:59 CET

Care colleghe e colleghi, 

Vi sarei grata se poteste portare all’attenzione dei vostri studenti il nuovo PhD in Statistics and Applied Mathematics dell’Universita’ Bocconi. La scadenza per le domande di ammissione e’ il 15 febbraio 2012 . 

Grazie, e cari saluti, 

Sonia Petrone 

----------------------- PhD in Statistics and Applied Mathematics Call for applications for 5 PhD student positions 

Within the Doctoral School at Bocconi University, the four-years Ph.D. program in Statistics and Applied Mathematics gives a solid theoretical grounding for high level research in Universities and international research institutions. 

The PhD program is organized within the two curricula of Statistics and Applied Mathematics (students select one curriculum when they apply). The curriculum in Statistics includes Bayesian and classical statistical theory and applications. The curriculum in Applied Mathematics is focussed on mathematic theory for Economics and Decision Sciences. 

The Ph.D. in Statistics and Applied Mathematics is designed for motivated students who wish to undertake first rate research careers in theoretical or applied Statistics or Decision Sciences, in academic or research institutions. Other career opportunities include central banks, governments and international organizations, and financial institutions. 

Highly qualified and motivated students with M.Sc. degrees in Mathematics, Statistics, Economics, Engineering, as well as other quantitatively-oriented fields, are encouraged to apply for admission. Applicants should hold or be on their way to hold a graduate degree or equivalent. 
A B2 (CEFR) competence level of English or above is required to be admitted to the PhD program. 
The PhD School offers five fellowships (a maximum of seven additional fellowships may also be made available for 
the most deserving applicants). 
Applications are due by February 15th,2012. 
For more information about the program, its courses and the admission procedures, please feel free to contact our Program Assistant at infophd a unibocconi.it or visit our website www.unibocconi.eu/phdstatistics 


Sonia Petrone 

Director of the PhD in Statistics 

Via Roentgen, 1 - 20136, Milano (Italy) 

Tel. ++39-0258365602 


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